A few words about aloe. What are its features?

Let’s talk about natural substances, shall we? Do you know that you can use aloe extracts in your everyday care? What are the features of this inconspicuous plant and how many products we can find this green substance in? If you don’t know this yet, I invite you to read the entry.

Aloe, a plant originated from Africa, can be grown at home. It has many precious features and each of the plant’s varieties has hundreds of applications! The most popular is Aloe Vera which is widely used not only in body care but also in medicine. This favoured in cosmetology ingredient can be grown on your own windowsill so you can have your own plant for special missions always at your disposal.

ALOE FOR ACNE – antibacterial action of aloe

This inconspicuous green plant hides a whole battalion of enzymes which don’t only neutralize skin-damaging free radicals but also act antifungal and antibacterial. You can apply pure aloe directly to acne or you can look for products with its content. In this second case, aloe fulfils a role of an ingredient responsible for relieving inflammations.


Grate a half of a fresh cucumber, drain the juice and mix the vegetable with 2 spoons of aloe gel. Basically, you can apply the face mask in this very form or you can also blend it to obtain a smooth mass. Let it sit approximately a quarter of an hour and then rinse the face mask using lukewarm water.

ALOE FOR FACE – anti-age action of aloe

Although aloe is used both in cosmetics for the teenagers as well as for the mature, particularly the second group appreciates its features more. It’s because aloe has a prominent influence on elastin and collagen synthesis. It contains a lot of vitamin A+C+E which make skin more firm, smooth and regenerated. After applying anti-age face mask with aloe, skin becomes supple and more radiant therefore, it’s worth enriching all the cosmetics products with aloe extract, if they lack it.

ALOE FOR HAIR – the power of humectants

Probably you are well aware of the presence of aloe in many shampoos and hair conditioners. Why is that? This is a plant that contains a load of amino acids and vitamins (A, E, C, B2) which hair needs to get moisturised properly. Aloe reinforces strands from the inside, nourishes it and provides protection against damages. It’s advisable to look for the hair cosmetics containing aloe or just upgrade the products by adding the very substance yourself. This will especially serve frizzy, unruly hair with dehydrated ends.


Combine a half of a glass (125 ml) of aloe gel with a spoon of natural honey and a half of a glass (125 ml) warm, pre-boiled water. Apply the mixture to your damp hair, right after washing and protect it with a towel. Let it sit 30 minutes. Once a half on an hour passes, wash your hair again.


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